What does atomic ranch style decor mean?

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Atomic Ranch Mid-Century Interiors


“We recently purchased a 1950s ranch home. We are in the process of decorating and we are trying to go with an ‘atomic ranch’ style decor”


Here at Mid Mod Scout, we have many books that will shed light on the atomic ranch style and give you creative ideas on the many other different styles of this classic design scheme.

Most people don’t know that Mid Century Modern encapsulates everything from: Kitsch, shabby chic, mission style to elegant Danish style furniture. 

Your question reminds me of this one  Atomic Ranch – Mid Century Interiors  but there are so very many to choose from.   

Also, find out about the roots or history of your new home. Who was the builder? What year was it built?  More than likely your whole neighborhood was built in the mid-century theme at sometime.

Get to know your neighbors!  Be they young or old, but they may have some invaluable information about the builder and his style.

Plus dropping for a ‘neighborly chat’ allows you see what they are doing for home decor.

Heywood Wakefield (sometimes called Atomic Blonde furniture) was a very popular choice for the Atomic Ranch look, IMO.

Heywood Wakefield Blond Book - On Amazon









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